
Ukrainian Women Poets

Marjana Savka (Мар’яна Савка) and Mary Shun (Марія Шунь)

I’m currently translating Marjana Savka’s book The Shadow of The Fish (Тінь риби) and Mary Shun’s book UN (ООН).

of Fabio Scotto’s contribution to The European Constitution in Verse

52 poets from all over Europe have written a European constitution in the form of a poem. The “Constitution in Verse” is of particular relevance for Dutch eurosceptics, writes columnist Bert Wagendorp in the daily De Volkskrant: “We Dutch in particular urgently need Europe for it is the only way to escape our smallness. … The constitution in verse adopts a different language to the Treaty of Lisbon. With the latter it only takes five minutes to see what’s wrong with this Europe: It’s in the hands of bores, hair-splitters and other unimaginative good-for-nothings. … What would happen if the [Dutch] Minister of European Affairs Frans Timmermans were to have the European constitution in verse distributed to all households? Perhaps it would revive some of the dreams and fantasies in our heads. And it’s also good for poetry. The poets’ message is: Give Europe back to the people. Europe belongs to us. If this is made clear once more then perhaps we can learn to love it again.”

Of Patrizia Cavalli

In Poetry Magazine here and here and here.